Plastic quick locks withstand northern winds and frost. For larger printing quantities, we recommend silk-screen printed flags. The price of screen-printed flags depends on the number of copies and above all on the image to be printed. Often, printing as little as 10 copies may be a cheaper option than digital printing. 155 g Texmesh material can also be used in the printing, which gives the most brightly colored and durable flags of all.
Basic polyester fabrics for which flags are made:
- 115 g/m2 flag knit (the most common and cheapest flag material)
- 105 g/m2 Jetmesh polyester, which lasts twice as long in use as flag knit
- 105 g/m2 Jetmesh polyester with 67% recycled fiber.
Thanks to the longer replacement interval, the total cost is reduced even though the purchase price of the Mesh flag is higher. In normal weather conditions, in 24/7 flagging, the long-term average of 2-3 pieces/rod made of knitwear and 1-(2) pieces/rod made of Mesh is worn out per year. However, it should be noted that in extreme conditions, with strong storm winds, the flag may be damaged even in a short time, regardless of the material it is made of.
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